Yoga Schedule

Private Yoga Classes
to Dec 31

Private Yoga Classes

You can book me for your private yoga class or event.

Whether as a treat for yourself or together with a friend or partner. Or as a group. I offer private yoga classes here at Atma Yoga House or at any venue on the island.

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Hatha Yoga Intermediate/Advanced
to May 26

Hatha Yoga Intermediate/Advanced

Hatha yoga intermediate/advanced is for you who has tried yoga before and want to deepen your practice. We work with variations of the sun salutation and basic yoga positions and focus on breath, strength and flexibility. Gradually, we build on with slightly more challenging positions. There will be dynamic sequences available for everyone with a focus on safety and strength in the positions. We always finish with a nice soothing relaxation.

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Yin Yoga
to May 27

Yin Yoga

In yin yoga, we work with deep, long-lasting stretches. We affect the body's various circuits: blood circulation, metabolism, the hormonal system and the nervous system. In addition, we work with the tendons, connective tissue and organs. Yin yoga can affect you deeply both physically and emotionally and you will be able to feel an effect of your yin yoga practice both in your everyday life and in other physical manifestations. We always finish with a nice soothing relaxation. It requires no prior experience.

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Yin Yoga
to May 22

Yin Yoga

In yin yoga, we work with deep, long-lasting stretches. We affect the body's various circuits: blood circulation, metabolism, the hormonal system and the nervous system. In addition, we work with the tendons, connective tissue and organs. Yin yoga can affect you deeply both physically and emotionally and you will be able to feel an effect of your yin yoga practice both in your everyday life and in other physical manifestations. We always finish with a nice soothing relaxation. It requires no prior experience.

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Hatha Yoga Beginner/Intermediate
to May 22

Hatha Yoga Beginner/Intermediate

Hatha yoga beginner/intermediate is for you who is new to yoga or has little experience and wants to build a dynamic yoga practice. We work with the basic positions and focus on breath, strength and flexibility. You will be introduced to different variations of the positions, so that all levels can participate. There will be individual dynamic sequences, such as sun salutations, available to everyone with a focus on safety and strength in the positions. We always finish with a nice soothing relaxation.

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Hatha Yoga: begynder/let-øvede
to Nov 28

Hatha Yoga: begynder/let-øvede

Hatha yoga begynder/let-øvede er for dig, der er ny til yoga eller har lidt erfaring og har lyst til at opbygge en dynamisk yoga praksis. Vi arbejder med grundstillingerne og fokuserer på åndedræt, styrke og smidighed. I bliver introduceret til forskellige variationer af stillingerne, så alle niveau kan være med. Der vil være enkelte dynamiske sekvenser, som f.eks. solhilsen, tilgængeligt for alle med fokus på sikkerhed og styrke i stillingerne.

Der er ingen undervisning i skolernes ferier og helligdage.

Underviser: Anna Katharina Kramer
Pris for 12 gange: 1500 kroner

Der er mulighed for at købe et 10x klippekort til 1300 kroner. Skriv for mere information.

Tilmelding ved indbetaling på 0847 konto nr.: 0000954187 (skriv navn og hold).
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Yin Yoga
to Nov 26

Yin Yoga

I yin yoga arbejder vi med dybe, længerværende stræk. Vi påvirker kroppens forskellige kredsløb: blodkredsløb, stofskiftet, det hormonelle System og nervesystemet. Derudover påvirker vi sener, bindevæv og organer. Yin yoga kan påvirke dig dybt både kropsligt og følelsesmæssigt og du vil kunne mærke en effekt af din yin yoga praksis både i din hverdag og i andre fysiske udfoldelser. Det kræver ingen forudgående erfaring.

Der er ingen undervisning i skolernes ferier og helligdage.

Underviser: Anna Katharina Kramer

Pris for 12 gange: 1700 kroner

Der er mulighed for at købe et 10x klippekort til 1500 kroner. Skriv for mere information.

Tilmelding ved indbetaling på 0847 konto nr.: 0000954187 (skriv navn og hold).
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Hatha Yoga: let-øvede/øvede
to Nov 25

Hatha Yoga: let-øvede/øvede

Hatha yoga let-øvede/øvede er for dig, der har prøvet yoga før og har lyst til at fordybe din praksis. Vi arbejder med variationer af solhilsen og grundstillingerne og fokuserer på åndedræt, styrke og smidighed. Efterhånden bygger vi på med lidt mere udfordrende stillinger. Der vil være dynamiske sekvenser tilgængeligt for alle med fokus på sikkerhed og styrke i stillingerne.
Hvis du er helt ny til yoga, skriv til mig for at finde ud af om holdet er til dig.

Der er ingen undervisning i skolernes ferier og helligdage.

Underviser: Anna Katharina Kramer
Pris for 12 gange: 1500 kroner

Der er mulighed for at købe et 10x klippekort til 1300 kroner. Skriv for mere information.

Tilmelding ved indbetaling på 0847 konto nr.: 0000954187 (skriv navn og hold).
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Hatha Yoga Beginners
to May 23

Hatha Yoga Beginners

Thursdays 17:00-18:15

There are no classes during school holidays and public holidays.

Teacher: Anna Katharina Kramer
Price for 15 classes until May 23: 1800 DKK; Drop-in: 135 DKK
It is possible to pay in installments or buy a voucher. Write for more information.

Registration: write to me at

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Yin Yoga
to May 29

Yin Yoga

Wednesdays 10:00 - 11:30

There are no classes during school holidays and public holidays.

Teacher: Anna Katharina Kramer
Price for 17 classes until May 29: DKK 2295; Drop-in: 150 DKK
It is possible to pay in installments or buy a voucher. Write to me for more information.

Registration: write to me at

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Yin Yoga
to May 28

Yin Yoga

Tuesdays 17:30 - 19:00

There are no classes during school holidays and public holidays.

Teacher: Anna Katharina Kramer
Price for 17 classes until May 28: DKK 2295; Drop-in: 150 DKK
It is possible to pay in installments or buy a voucher. Write to me for more information.

Registration: write to me at

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Hatha Yoga
to May 27

Hatha Yoga

Mondays 17:00-18:15

There are no classes during school holidays and public holidays.

Teacher: Anna Katharina Kramer
Price for 15 classes until May 27: 1800 DKK; Drop-in: 135 DKK
It is possible to pay in installments or buy a voucher. Write for more information.

Registration: write to me at

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Book a private yoga class
to Dec 31

Book a private yoga class

We offer private classes: individual or groups

Prices for individual classes are 550 DKK/hr for a minimum of 10 classes and 650 DKK/hr for a single class.

Prices for group classes are 1250 DKK/hr.

Write to me at for inquiries or more information.

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